By using spray polyurethane foam in your new home, you have achieved the very best building envelope containment system available. However, this alone does not create the optimum level of energy efficiency and healthy indoor air quality for your building. Now we need to match the correct mechanical equipment and distribution components in order to get the most effective control system available.
Heating and cooling equipment in a super tight building envelope is sized much smaller for good reason. This "proper sizing" allows the HVAC equipment to control heating and cooling needs as well as control indoor humidity levels and maintain healthy indoor air quality.
The traditional rule of thumb methods that base heating and cooling loads by square footage can be a recipe for disappointment. You are paying for a premium building envelope containment and control system, so let’s make sure that you get it.
At FoamRun, we have each home individually engineered by EnergyWise Structures to make certain that the HVAC system works in perfect harmony with the insulation system. Each room in the house will be calculated individually to deliver the proper heating and cooling loads as well as the amount of air volume distribution needed to make certain that your system will not be sized too small or too large.